Friday, April 30, 2004


Q-Beart is a pretty cool revision of one of my favorite old Atari 2600 games, Q-Bert.

You probably already figured that out, though.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

The Mario Brothers Saga

You need to watch this. A four part flash dramatization of Mario's story.

Mario Brothers
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4


Our favorite Yeti is back in action, this time in Yetisports 4: Albatros Overload.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004


If you like CG movies (like Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within), you'll love the short CG film Rockfish.

The Exorcist in 30 Seconds (and Re-enacted by Bunnies)

Have you ever seen The Exorcist?

Have you ever seen it condensed to 30 seconds?

Have you ever seen it acted out by bunnies?

I didn't think so.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Picture Differences

You know that game in the comics section of the newspaper where you have to identify the differences between the two pictures? Well this is like that, only a lot harder.


Dr. Seuss Political Cartoons


The good doctor created many anti-isolationist cartoons during WWII.

Dr. Seuss Political Cartoons

Stephen Segal in: The Mountain Dew Commercial

Watch this funny movie in which Stephen Segal "does the dew."

Steven Segal Foibles Robbery

Top 10 Things Not To Say To A Cop

1) Here. Hold my beer.
2) What? Is my radar detector unplugged?
3) Aren't you that guy from the Village People?
4) Man, you must have gone 120 to catch me. Good job!
5) Which one are you? Andy or Barney?
6) When did they stop requiring physicals?
7) You're not gonna check my trunk, are you?
8) Remember: I pay your salary!
9) Gee, thanks officer! The last guy let me off with a warning, too!
10) I was trying to keep up with traffic... Yes, I know there's not another car in sight; that's how far behind I am!

Bubble Wrap

For all those who like to pop bubble wrap, have fun!

Bubble Wrap

Monday, April 26, 2004

The Critic

I'm probably in the minority on this one, but I love The Critic. When it was taken off the air, I cried.

Real tears.

But fear not! Jon Lovitz has returned with The Critic on the net! It's true, AtomFilms is hosting all new (shortened) episodes of this hilairious show right here.


Intriguing. The McGurk effect is when you hear something differently because your eyes are playing tricks on you.

Watch the video, then watch it again with your eyes closed.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Meet Tyson, the Skateboarding Bulldog!

One of the most incredible things I've ever seen, I think, is Tyson, the Skateboarding Bulldog.

And that's not just because I already love bulldogs, this is just amazing in and of itself.

But don't take my word for it. Watch the movies!

Friday, April 23, 2004


Stimulate your mind, man. It's Friday!

Dance, Billy, DANCE!

David Elsewhere: Kollaboration 4

Do you remember the video of that kid who could dance insanely well and looked like he had no bones? Well his name is David Elsewhere and he went to the 2003 dance competition: Kollaboration.

Video here

The Adventures of Seinfeld & Superman

The Adventures of Seinfeld & Superman

Pretty funny stuff. Seinfeld is such a big fan of Superman it's ridiculous. In his show he talked about Superman. In his stand-up act he does a 10 minute bit on Superman. When he guest hosted SNL he did a skit as Superman. And now he's acting beside a cartoon Superman.

Go figure.

The Hospital

Take a creepy, interactive tour through an old Hospital.

James Brown television interview

James Brown has trouble staying focused while being interviewed on television.

I feel good!

Atlanta Grape Festival video

What could possibly be funny about a news story about a grape-stomping contest? Find out.

Classic Videogame Ads

This is a cool compilation of video game advertising posters from the 80s. I had that Emipre Strikes Back game for the Atari 2600. It ruled.

Classic Videogame Ads

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Final Fantasy XII - Trailer

The first trailer for FFXII is out. Looks like it could be really, really good. Of course, it also isn't due out until first quarter 2006. :(

Computer History Museum - About Us

Computer History Museum : "The Computer History Museum is the world's largest and most significant history museum for preserving and presenting the computing revolution and its impact on the human experience. It allows you to discover how computing became the amplifier for our minds and changed the way we work, live and play. We hope your visit will be educational and entertaining and that the legacy of these innovations live on to inspire others. "

The Sith Rejects

I posted this on GM, but just in case you missed it here it is again. Art Barn : The Sith Rejects

CHUD - Cinematic Happenings Under Development

For all the attention a handful of movies each year, there are dozens more that are shunted aside, or otherwise treated to the shitty end of the stick by the grinding gears of the movie machine. Many of these movies deserve to languish in obscurity, and that’s why we’ve rolled up our sleeves to retrieve some unloved gems from the dustbin of history.

I can say the few of these I have seen on this list were great.

CHUD - Cinematic Happenings Under Development

Bad Scrabble Hands!

Bad Scrabble Hands! - Think YOU have bad luck playing Scrabble? See some bad hands others have been dealt. A most informative site.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Subservient Chicken

Subservient Chicken is one of the most original, and entertaining websites I've seen in quite a while.

Quite a long while.

You can tell him to do anything you can think up, from "do a cartwheel" to "destroy Tokyo." I'm not kidding. And who would have thought of this coming from Burger King? Not I.

Best. History Paper. Ever.

Have you ever heard of Jimmy McPerson? No? You should have.

The Punctuation Game

Pretty easy little game that tests your punctuation aptitude. But they do try to trip you up, so be careful!

EATS, SHOOTS & LEAVES Punctuation Game

Windows Noises

Windows Noises, this would make Bill Gates proud.

Anti-Drunk Driving Commercial

A very powerful commercial on why to not drink and drive.

Don't Drink and Drive

Harry Potter, or Luke Skywalker

This will make you think.

Garbage Pail Kids Card Archive

I can't believe I used to collect these things: Garbage Pail Kids Archive

no circles

Interesting, to say the least. I'd call no circles more of a flash experiment than a game, really.

Monday, April 19, 2004

The Return of the Blogger

Well, I'm back.

For all you loyal Exodus fans, or for those who followed Great Minds Think Alike, I'm back.

I will feel no obligation this time to update regularly. I hope you don't mind. That was the reason Exodus utlimately shut down the first time. I got a lot of positive reactions from all of you out there, but in the end I felt like I had to post or else I was letting you down.

For my first post, I'd like to say that while this news article is sad, it is also on some level funny:

McDonald's CEO dies of heart attack.