Saturday, May 28, 2005

Falcon spotted in Sith

That's right, the Millennium Falcon, pre-Lando Calrissian days, has been spotted in Episode III.

Falcon spotted in Sith

Burt Reynolds Slap Attack At NYC Premiere

Please watch this video.

Burt Reynolds Pimp-slaps some moron reporter

Burt Reynolds was being interviewed by some idiot and when Burt though he was being a smart-alec he slaps him in the face.

Then it gets better.

Burt says, "He's a nice guy, I like him, and he's a tough guy. He wants to slap me back but he can't because he's on contract, but we can meet up later if you want."

Yeah, that's right, Burt just asked you to step outside.

If Burt wasn't already my hero, he is now.

Friday, May 27, 2005

GoshDarnGolly, You're Gonna Die!

For all those Halo lovers out there, I am pleased to inform you that the State Department has released a Public Service Annocement called Talking Smack over Xbox Live.

Very true, and very funny, but be warned of harsh language.



Animated short of an old guy trying to fix a leaky tap himself with disasterous results.

The vid is 86.9mb so poor unfortunate 56k sufferers might want to give this one a miss.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal is absolutely brilliant.

It's similar to the fabled, "The Far Side," only twisted, and even funnier!

Unfortunate Star Wars Costumes

Unfortunate Star Wars Costumes

This site made me laugh harder than I have in a long time.

You will only get all the jokes if you are a Star Wars nerd, and in getting the jokes you'll feel somewhat sorry for yourself, but even those not well aquainted with the best movies of all times will still get some good laughs, I assure you.

This one is worth the click!

Friday, May 20, 2005

PS3 Grill!

PS3 Grill!

Thursday, May 19, 2005



It's the sequel. You know, to hapland 1.

I liked Sith

It tied everything up it needed to, which is a daunting task consider how many corners Lucas had managed to paint himself into.

I have a newfound appriciation for Episodes I and II now. I saw any
things in Sith that explained to me why certain things happened in Menace and Clones.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Star Wars Knock-Offs

Most things which become a hit in pop culture are copied/mimmicked/ripped-off. Star Wars was no exception. In fact, as this site shows, it might be that Lucas' beloved space opera has the most blatant rip-offs ever.

Click on the picture to see toys from the 70s trying to take advantage of the Star Wars craze.

Stunt City

Stunt City

Funny ad for deodorant.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Nintendo Revolution fake

A clip of the Nintendo Revolution has been leaked to the net and is making the rounds.

It looks cool, it is extremely cutting edge, and it would make for an awesome gaming experience.

Too bad it's completey fake (albeit the best fake I've ever seen).

"Star Wars" spawned a galaxy of technologies

Yes, as the debut of Episode III draws nearer, the Star Wars related posts continue to flow in just as you expected.

I never realized how many companies were either initially created by Lucas himself or are direct spinoffs.

This article sheds light on the topic, and does so in a most intriguing fashion.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Island Mini Golf

Island Mini Golf is a very fun webgame.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Hi-Rez Epidsode III Images

IGN has posted dozens of high resolution pictures from Episode III. The only "spoiler" is that it appears Princess Leia's mom did the do as well.

Images for Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Monday, May 09, 2005

Gonzo Stunt Game

First of all, everyone loves Gonzo from the Muppets. So there's no reason for you to not waste some time playing his new stunt game.

Ladies and Gents, I am proud to present The Amazing Flying Gonzo.

Try to beat my current high score: 24112.

The Chronicles of Narnia

C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia are being made into movies finally, so here is the first trailer.

And in the same vein, you might as well watch the trailer for the next Potter movie: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Friday, May 06, 2005

The Viking

Nicky Nutall should be pleasantly surprised with The Viking, which is the follow-up to the previously posted Black Knight game.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Runner is a shockwave game that is somewhat reminiscent of the driving portion of Grand Theft Auto 3, except the graphics are obviously sub-par in comparision.

The goal is to ... well I'm not exactly sure what the goal is, but if you drive around enough you can pickup fuel and repair icons for your car, which you'll need since every car on the road is vying for your utter destruction.

I drive in Jacksonville traffic everyday, so I know how that feels.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The Last Dalek

The Last Dalek is a flash game where you play an escaped Robot and have to kill every living thing you encounter.

It seems to be based on the Doctor Who universe, and it is put out by the BBC.

The first 20 seconds I played it, I was thinking to myself, "man this game sucks." A half hour later I asked myself, "then why am I still playing it?"

Monday, May 02, 2005

Star Wars Origins: How did George Lucas create Star Wars?

Star Wars Origins: How did George Lucas create Star Wars?

A really insightful article in which the author explores the question of how Lucas was able to brew up the recipe that was Star Wars.

A critic might say "Oh, Lucas combined Flash Gordon with Akira Kurosawa, threw in some science fiction novels, comic books, The Wizard of Oz, and sewed it all up with Joseph Campbell's ideas on the structure of myth." And Lucas did do all those things, but that can't be the final answer.

A good read!

Precious Cargo

Wow! My brother is going to flip out when he sees this!! He already loves the BMW films, so there's one thing going for it. He also love Dark Horse comics, so there's two. But the deal breaker is the writer of this new comic, none other than Brue "Jesus Christ" Campbell.

BMW Films and Darkhorse Comics Present: Precious Cargo.