Monday, June 07, 2004


If I were to tell you I were disappointed in the season finale of the Sopranos, this wouldn't just be a normal understatement, but would in fact be a monstrous understatement of Biblical porportions. If for example, you were to say that the Grand Canyon was a small mediocre ravine. That sort of understatement.

Where to begin?

Ok, first the good points. Best line of the show? "All the things your uncle has done for you, must I give you examples?" I also thought it was interesting/ironic that his session with Melfi is what drove him to kill Tony Blundetto. Well, that and the painting of Tony/Napoleon.

Funny thing about the scene with Tony and Johnny Sack is that Tony didn't even give Johnny a heads up about the Feds. (Kinda like the old bear joke about not having to be faster than the bear to get away, just have to be faster than the guy next to you)

But that leads me to my first bad point, which is that had Tony waited a couple of days, he wouldn't have had to whack his cousin at all, because New York would have their hands full with the Feds. I know this isn't a failure of the episode, and it was in fact exactly what the writers wanted to accomplish, that despite all of Tony's attempts to make the correct choices as Boss things never quite work out like he wants them too.

Then again, Tony must have gained some serious props with his Jersey crew. Tony B had put the entire NJ family at risk, and almost everyone thought he deserved what he ended up getting.

This is a bit nitpicky, but.... I was a bit puzzled by the weather. Couple weeks ago, they're holding a party outside for Carm's Dad. It's nice out. In this episode, AJ holds a party outside - no snow on the ground, everyone is out in regular shirts, no jackets. Then all of a sudden, there's like 6 inches of snow on the ground, people are plowing, and Johnny Sack is getting sacked at 6:30 am with tons of snow on the ground.

But of course the most disturbing part of this season finale is that it didn't feel like one. The Sopranos has ended big with each season. In the first season, Tony almost got whacked by his own mother and uncle. In season two, Tony killed his best friend. I don't remember the end of season four, but last season ended in Carmella leaving Tony. And here we are at the end of season five, having been built up all season to a purported war between two rival families, and we get nothing. We were expecting ACTION, and instead we got a lot of slow moments.

It just ended so anticlimactically.


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