Monday, June 07, 2004

If I had a hammer ...

Remeber those old "Whack the mole" games you'd see at Chuckie Cheese's? Tontie is a webgame based on that, and it's very well done IMHO.

You use your numpad (the group of number keys on the far right of the keyboard) to play. Each number corresponds to the nine positions in which the little one-eyed aliens (moles) pop up.

If you see a little hut pop up—it kinda looks like Bag End—be sure to hit that because the game features an upgrade buying system. Upgrades are very expensive however, so buyer beware and all that.

By level four things start getting crazy because you'll start to see objects pop up with numbers on them, but here's the thing, the numbers don't correspond to the number they're sitting on. In other words, it you see the number "5" you have to convince your brain to hit the 5 on the keypad instead of the position it actually sits on. But then if you get a reward by hitting it in time, you have to hit the correct position to collect said reward.

It's quite a mental task, let me tell you.


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