Friday, April 01, 2005

Gmail turns 1

So what does the leader in e-mail decide to do on Gmail's first birthday? Gmail ups the storage capacity to 2GBs. Click that link to watch a cool little counter going up and up and up, constantly increasing my already vast e-mail storage capacity. Hahahahaha!

Just to give you an idea how much of a leader Google really is, just last week, Yahoo said it would offer 1 gigabyte of storage to their users. But a year ago today, when Google introduced Gmail, Yahoo was providing just 4 megabytes of storage. Microsoft Corp.'s Hotmail now offers 250 megabytes, up from 2 megabytes at Gmail's launch.

Oddly enough, my favorite thing about Gmail isn't the virtually unlimited email storage space, it's the lack of spam. Other people sometimes remark about how they hate spam and I always calmly reply, "Spam? What's spam?"


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