Monday, April 11, 2005

Goodbye Terri

I had been meaning to write a few words regarding Terri Schiavo, but with the Holy Father passing away, I guess I just got distracted.

Some people have believe that Michael Shaivo had his wife starved to death because she wanted it that way (despite the fact that she was a devout Catholic and undoubtedly knew the Church's stance on such an issue). Certainly Michael must have, to fight so long and hard for her death these 15 years, right?

But he didn't, did he? Somehow the proposition that "she wanted it this way" only occurred to him seven years after the incident.

There are those would undoubdtedly respond that he was waiting to see if she could be revived and restored, but he didn't wait, did he? He's been living with another woman for 14 years and has two kids by her.

Some have suggested that he went to nursing school so he could take care of Terri, and yet 15 years later she went through 14 separate institutions and has been taken care of by an untold number of nurses, none of whoem were Michael Schiavo.

Some have also suggested that the Schindlers were just upset that Michael woudln't split the malpractice money witht them, only they never asked for it. The only thing they asked was to be allowed to take care of their daughter at their own expense until she stopped living.

Not good enough. Not good enough for Michael. Not good enough for our courts. If Mr. Schiavo had gone to law school instead of nursing school he might have had hearsay explained to him, and understood that it did not matter what Terri supposedly said to him 15 years ago because he couldn't prove it. Proof withstanding, it turns out that his word was good enough for the courts. A man's word was good enough to have someone put to death by starvation.

I love when people cite studies "proving" that starvation is a humane method of killing, I wonder if those conduction the survey have ever been starved against their will.


At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did she have a will to go against? Did she actually feel the pains of starvation? Her EKG and many experts answer both questions with a resounding "no." She was brain dead... Let her go....

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Steve said...

"Did she have a will to go against? Did she actually feel the pains of starvation?"

That's just it, we don't know.

"Her EKG and many experts answer both questions with a resounding "no." She was brain dead..."

Nobody on any side claimed she was brain dead. Everyone unanimously agreed she was *not* brain dead. If she were, there would be no debate, and the Church does not teach that people in that condition should be kept alive artificially.

Had she been brain dead she wouldn't have been able to breathe on her own.

"Let her go...."

I have. I didn't have much choice...

At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nobody claimed she was in a consitent vegitative state..., people who have been dead for too long have been revived, while their heart may be pumping, and they may be breathing, there is no brain activity... just as it was with Terri. There was no brain activity... a flat EKG confirmed this... All this as evidence, it is highly propable that Terri felt nothing, and had in fact, felt nothing for many years, while miracles do happen.... Sad as it is, I dont belive she was one of them.... Off topic : check this out..

At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nobody claimed she was in a consitent vegitative state..., people who have been dead for too long have been revived, while their heart may be pumping, and they may be breathing, there is no brain activity... just as it was with Terri. There was no brain activity... a flat EKG confirmed this... All this as evidence, it is highly propable that Terri felt nothing, and had in fact, felt nothing for many years, while miracles do happen.... Sad as it is, I dont belive she was one of them....

At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good one.


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