Friday, September 23, 2005

Test post for Scott

All Scott's base are belong to Steve


At 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's it. I've had it with Blogspot. The Blogster has locked me out of my account without explanation three times now. I can't even get the service to send me a password reminder. After a week of unsuccessful login attempts, I attempted to start over with a new account and similar url name, but that isn't working correctly either. The new account has no dashboard for managing multiple blogs, and the old template, Script, I was using isn't available anymore. I know that it is on the server, because my old blog is still displaying it. Most aggrevating of all, I can't even leave a forwarding message on the old page to a newer blog.

I'll leave a new URL here when I have one to link.

At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here it be:

Scott G


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