Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Archival post:

I'm fairly certain that this is one of those sites that everyone else knew about for a long time and just never thought to let me know. Thanks for that, by the way. Anyhoo, it's really funny to browse through the various categories over on Engrish.com. I'm particulary fond of "thank you for you," and "I will always be there for you. I promise you with these five words."

I've made my own Engrish before. If you haven't you should try it because it's quite fun. Here's how:

Find a block of English text to translate, or write your own if you're so inclined.
Go to Babelfish and paste in your text.
Translate the text to Japanese.
Translate the text back to English.
Laugh at the results.
Let me give you an example with today's daily dose. Here's your joke in English:

Some friends were playing Trivial Pursuit when it became the blonde's turn. She rolled the dice and got a Science and Nature question: "If you're in a vacuum and someone calls your name, can you hear it?" The blonde thought a moment and asked, "Is it on or off?"

Here's the Engrish version:

When that becomes revolution of the blonde, the friend who is takes had done the pursuit which is not enough. She rolled the dies, obtained the question of science and character: If " there is so a vacuum and someone calls your name, as for you who can inquire about that?" The time, thought of the blonde to be being asked, " or, that?"

See? Comedy gold!


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