Monday, August 23, 2004

Advent Children

Advent Children

In case you hadn't heard, Square-Enix is maknig another movie, this one called Advent Children. It is a fully developed, CG-work sequel to the seminal 1997 PlayStation hit, Final Fantasy VII, which just so happens to be the greatest RPG of all time.

Two years after the events of FFVII, the ruins of Midgar stand as testament to the sacrifices that were made in order to bring peace. However, the world will soon face a new menace. A mysterious illness is spreading fast. Old enemies are astir. And Cloud, who walked away from the life of a hero to live in solitude, must step forward yet again...

I get goosebumps just thinking about this.

More information, including the trailer, can be found on the official website (currently only available in Japanese).


At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is this Yazoo guy using a gunblade? Gunblades have always been exclusive to the FF VIII world, haven't they? Furthermore, why are all of the new character guys? Tifa Lockheart is the only chic in the character section of the website. It looks better than the hand drawn FF anime (which was only loosely based on FF anyway), but I'm not seeing anything that looked as promising as FF the movie.

Scott G

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Steve said...

The Final Fantasy movie (Spirits Withing) was an OK flick on it's own merits, but it had no business whatsoever having the words "Final" or "Fantasy" in the title.


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